Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Back Yard Loop - Bridges

Yesterday was a relaxing home day - perfect for getting back into running with a gentle back yard loop.

Mini troll's bridge
I mentioned the loop in my first bog post (Inspiration).  There are many facets to our loop which I could describe in more detail.  No prize for guessing what trail features caught my attention on this particular run.

Clapper bridge
As I took the photos I had to remind myself what season it is.  In summer, sections of the rivulet (pictured above) flow below ground... and July it would seem.  Many places in Eastern Tasmania have just had their record lowest June rainfall.  Sure, it's been cold and there have been days with snow on the mountains but there's plenty of talk about the dry.  Farmers are worried the ground will be too dry to sow their crops.  The Hydro are watching their dam levels* with fresh memories of our power connection to Victoria breaking during a record dry spell in 2015.

So, local trail runners, can you recognise any of these locations?  Apart from the first photo, all the other river crossings pictured are on the same watercourse.

Wooden bridge
From an engineering perspective the most interesting crossing would be the clapper bridge where a large slab of rock has been carefully perched.  For trail runners, the ford and stepping stones are a lively aspect of the run when (normal) winter snowfall and rain swell the rivulet to overflow these features.

Stepping stones
* Earlier this month I saw a Mercury headline claiming Hydro were worried about storages.  I tried to link the article but decided against it due to the pay wall.  When I looked for another news outlet reporting the story I found this correction from the Hydro (also linked above).  While the Hydro may not be 'nervously' watching storage levels, I stand by my statement that the Basslink failure would still be fresh in many people's minds.

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